paris hilton 6189 2 Paris Hilton y sus incidentes con la policía

La rubia escandalosa el día de ayer en su reality show, My Nwe BFF, estuvo disfrazada de policía para poder hablar a las otras mujeres que comparten el reality.

Una vez dentro, contó a las mujeres su experiencia acerca de cuando se encontró en la cárcel, debido a haber violado su libertad condicional por haber conducido ebria. Luego de contar la experiencia, Paris, declaró que a partir de entonces pudo comenzar a apreciar su estilo de vida, que, aunque había cometido errores, como cualquier humano, apreciaba sus experiencias y todo aquello que estaba relacionado con su vida sobre la tierra.

Hace pocos días, Paris presentó su reality en Dubai, dónde estuvo a punto de ir presa, debido a que la mujer se paseó en bikini por las playas causando miradas provocativas de parte de la población árabe; sin embargo sus abogados lograron salvarla una vez más de este incidente.

The scandalous blonde yesterday in his reality show, My Nwe BFF, was disguised of police to be able to speak to other women who share the reality.

Once inside, it told his experience to the women it brings over of when he was in the jail, due to having violated his conditional freedom for having driven intoxicated. After counting the experience, Paris, he declared that from then it could begin to estimate his way of life, which, though it had committed mistakes, as any human being, was estimating his experiences and all that that was related to his life on the land.

A few days ago, his reality presented Paris in Dubai, where it was on the verge of prey went, due to the fact that the woman was walked in bikini by the beaches causing provocative looks on behalf of the Arabic population; nevertheless his attorneys managed to save it once again from this incident.

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Rodrigo González Fernández
Diplomado en "Responsabilidad Social Empresarial" de la ONU
Diplomado en "Gestión del Conocimiento" de la ONU